Strength & Power

We focus on building both strength and power to become well-rounded athletes capable of handling a wide range of physical challenges.

Olympic Lifting

Olympic lifting in CrossFit involves powerful, full-body movements like the snatch and clean and jerk to build explosive strength and improve overall athletic performance.

Power Lifting

Powerlifting in CrossFit focuses on maximizing strength through key lifts—squat, bench press, and deadlift—to build raw power and enhance overall muscle strength.


CrossFit/Hybrid training combines traditional CrossFit workouts with other fitness disciplines to create a diverse and well-rounded fitness routine that enhances strength, endurance, and overall performance.

Workout Programs
  • What is Strength?

    Strength in CrossFit is all about how much you can lift and how strong your muscles are. It’s like when you’re at the gym and you’re able to lift heavier weights over time. The stronger your muscles get, the more weight you can handle. Think of it as building up your muscle power so you can tackle any physical challenge that comes your way.

  • What is Power?

    Power is a combination of strength and speed. It’s not just about being able to lift something heavy, but being able to do it quickly and efficiently. Imagine doing a fast sprint or jumping really high. Power in CrossFit helps you perform explosive movements, like lifting weights quickly or jumping onto a high box.

  • How We Develop Strength and Power

    Weightlifting: Using barbells, kettlebells, and dumbbells to progressively lift heavier weights.

    Explosive Movements: Exercises like box jumps, sprints, and clean-and-jerks that combine speed and strength.

    Varied Workouts: Mixing different exercises to keep the body guessing and continuously improving in both strength and power.

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